In neighborhoods throughout Central Ohio, including Franklin, Delaware and Pickaway counties, the Y is a leading force on health and well-being. At the Y practicing and supporting healthy lifestyles means more than just simply being active. It's about maintaining a balanced spirit, mind and body.
One of our members, Maryanne Johnston found support through her cancer journey at the Y. Diagnosed in 2011, Maryanne joined the Grove City YMCA at the advice of her doctor to exercise. The support Maryanne received helped her not only heal physically but helped her strengthen emotionally. Today, she is cancer free and keeps up her routine of exercise through working out and walking at the Y.
Most recently, the YMCA of Central Ohio was selected to participate in a LIVESTRONG® Community Impact Project, an online voting campaign called LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA . This FREE 12 week, small group program is designed for adult cancer survivors. The program helps to provide support to the increasing number of cancer survivors who find themselves in the transitional period between completing their cancer treatment and the shift to feeling physically and emotionally strong enough to return to their normal life or their "new normal."
The goal of LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA is to provide support for individuals seeking to improve muscle mass, muscle strength, increase flexibility and endurance and improve functional ability. In addition to the physical benefits, the program provides participants a supportive environment and a feeling of community with their fellow survivors, YMCA staff and members.
If we receive the highest number of votes in our region, we will move forward to bring this exciting support program to cancer survivors in our community. Currently, the YMCA of Central Ohio is among hundreds of organizations nationwide and the only Y in the state of Ohio in the running for this award.
Your vote is critical and we need your help in getting the word out to your friends, family and the community to vote for us.
Voting for LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA will go through March 23, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. EST. Voting is easy and it’s just one vote per email! To cast your vote TODAY, visit:
Thank you for helping us strengthen our community!
Yours in Y spirit,
Andrew A. Roberts
YMCA of Central Ohio

Thank your bringing this much needed program to the Y. I will make sure I tell all of my friends and family to Vote!